Thursday, June 02, 2005

Traffic signal from hell, part 2

The light at Victory and Woodley remains my traffic nemesis. At 6:20 p.m., the backup going east on Victory was all the way to the next traffic light. Sure there were some cars on Woodley crossing Victory, but they should expect to wait for at least a single light to cross what is one of the San Fernando Valley's main thoroughfares.

But to be backed up at least a quarter-mile and to be kept from crossing an intersection for 3 to 4 cyclings of the traffic light? something's not right. And on this stretch of Victory, running from the light West of Reseda Boulevard until the 405 Freeway, the speed limit is 40 mph, and the lights USED TO BE timed for 50 mph, turning the six-lane street into a virtual highway.

Clearly something must be done.

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